
Monday, 20 February 2017

Water Therapy To Heal, Cure Hemorrhoid, Pile.

Water Therapy To Heal, Cure Hemorrhoid, Pile. Are you still surprised at what water therapy is capable of doing to uplift human health? 

Stop being surprised, it is the power of nature that has been in existence for ages from generation to generation without troubles of over dose or abuse.This time around, it is based on the use of water therapy to gradually and successfully cure that burning and irritating sensation around your hemorrhoid all day and all year round called pile. With this itchy and burning sensation, you can never eat what you want to eat at ease and relax, no relaxation for you with this type of health problem. It one of the health problems that determines what you eat, where you go and some other social activities to attend, irrespective of your age. Most times, people begin to check themselves on what they eat at a semi middle age and middle age. Funny enough, pile is no respecter of age, it ruthlessly deals with it's victims not minding status, not minding your timetable, other troubles or any scheduled activity.

Smile today for there is light at the end of the tunnel with the application of water therapy. This is not just an ordinary water therapy but a special type of water therapy that is capable of putting to rest that itchy, irritating and burning sensation that never allows you to close your two eyes to sleep. That itchy irritating sensation that always cause anxiety and restlessness in you anywhere you are even if you are a ceo, a governor or president of a country.

With this particular type of water therapy application, i assure you, if well applied as i will state here, you will begin to do your daily activities like a normal healthy person whole and hearty, you will also begin to take your choice food and drinks like other people. No more surgery for you as your name will be deleted from the list of those that will undergo surgery within the scheduled time.

Most of the time, we fail to reason towards the gift of nature and what is achievable from it and refer back to when there was no orthodox medicine. Water itself has no option to usage, water is naturally endowed to sustain every life on earth but we fail to think within our inner self what water  can do in the sustenance of life on earth, both to human beings, all other animals and agricultural products, even the eco-system and the entire habitats.

Do you know that by nature, most animal in the bush know the quantity or volume of water they need in a day , week and months and where to get water during the scarcity period, so also they drink water to sustain their health, if not, they would all die of lack of water if not taken at the appropriate time. They also know that their is something like water therapy if your monitor them during their sick period, you would find out that the easiest intake to their mouth if close to it is water, no matter how unwise they may be, they are wise to know that water can prolong their life waiting for other rescue or forms of treatment which may be made available by themselves, by nature or through human beings.

Water therapy for people that suffer pile is special and simple in the sense that it is not done by ordinary water but is done with warm water. This time around, the formula is early morning intake of warm water and evening intake of warm water just before going to bed. The second one is taking warm water earlier before each meal and taking warm water after each meal. This formula should be routinely done until you witness a change in the way you feel about the troubles of pile in the hemorrhoid area of your body . It is not magic, it is the power of water but must be warm water.

Practice this formula and see the positive resultant effect in your body system. It does not only cure pile, it reduces your body fat and weight through sweat. I hope this blog is helpful? Ask questions where necessary. Make your comment to help us improve and subscribe to our blog to receive it as is being published.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Water Therapy Technique For Low Sperm Count.

Water Therapy Technique For Low Sperm Count. As you can see from research that water therapy work miracles in human life and i would want you be part of the miracles of water therapy by following the techniques that am rolling out at this hour. 

Are you a man with low sperm count, rejoice from this time up and count your blessings and name them one by one because you are about to see a new fresh beginning in your life like never before, because the solution has come, except you have a different case of diseases that is chronic in your body system.

Most men that have low sperm count and experience infertility as a result of low sperm count do not know that their entire body is filled with toxins that prevent their reproductive organ from boosting out a very strong and rich sperm count that is capable of fertilizing a woman egg to produce a baby. It might look like a joke but it is proven reality of which i know that you will be part of those that will prove it as a more reality after you have practiced it from today. You cling to the system like a daily food or routine without letting anyone remind you. In fact, you will want to doctor some other persons on the same issue. And i hope you would not be ashamed to come back and testify that what you learn from this blog has been helpful to in your reproductive system as a man.

Water therapy system will flush out those toxins in your reproductive organ as a man. The same thing is applicable to women but i will come to the case of women in my future post. This time around in this blog, it will interest me to let you know that water therapy helps you in the drugs you take to prevent or cure yourself of many infections very fast. Water therapy is a quick action flusher that helps in flushing out those unwanted elements in your body system, especially now that we are emphasizing on reproductive organs of human beings especially men, though it affects women in the same vein.

Do you know that if you have urinary track infection that water therapy can aid any little drug you take to flush your urinary track fast and completely. Men who have such cases will notice that when they are urinating, they will be having a kind of feeling of something in form small pebbles coming out of their urinary track in some cases. Yes if you have some case, don't worry, apply water therapy are free yourself once and for all. It won't cost you much this time, Use the medication prescribed by your medical doctor and aid it fast with water therapy for quick action flushing.

Again, for low sperm count, Be ready to urinate within the period because, you will urinate excess this time because of the quantity of water you will be taking daily, provided that you make sure to be where you will have the convenience to urinate and tidy up yourself when necessary.

Now this is the formula to boost your sperm count to additional millions.  Take 50 cl of water as soon as you  wake in the morning before one hour before breakfast and one hour after breakfast. Do the same before lunch and after lunch. Do the same before dinner and after dinner. Then, then do same before midnight and after midnight. Continue as early as possible, first thing when you wake up from your sleep for about 21 days to one month depending on the age of your ailment. This formula is for light body weight and middle weight. While the heavy weight should increase their water intake in a day with addition 75% to their usual daily intake of water.

If your apply this water therapy system as specified here. Go for sperm count test. I bet you that your sperm count will double or triple  to your amazement , if not, that means you have a chronic disease that needs a serious and special medical treatment from a medical expert. Therefore, don't hesitate to consult your doctor for further treatment.

I hope this post is helpful. Please drop your comment if there is any to help us improve. Subscribe to our post where necessary to receive it direct as we proceed. If confused about the formula, feel free to ask question for clarifications.

Friday, 17 February 2017

Water Therapy Best Approach, Technique.

Water Therapy Best Approach, technique. Many of the viewers and readers of my blog have been wondering and asking underground on the real technique of a particular water therapy. 

Water Therapy Approach
Let it be to your notice that water therapy is of diverse strategy and system, depending on what you are actually trying to achieve, even though the whole system work hand in hand. All these water therapy system are very powerful and productive, no matter how you go about it. The most important thing is, Are you really interested and ready to apply water therapy as a system to prevent and cure ailments and short comings in your body system? If yes, that is the beginning of your victory over your habit and over your health problems.

Habit? Yes habit, for those of you that think, may be alcohol intake and high sugar intake of certain beverages can quench their taste. I observed that most times when people are tasty of water, what they would think of is taking alcohol like beer and others or beverages which contains sugars. If you can tell yourself the truth, you would at the end of reading this post confess to me that it is actually true that when you are tasty of a liquid entering your mouth to quench your taste that you never had a second thought that it is natural water that you need until after taking beverages and beer before you would realize that it is actually water that your body needs because you haven't really quenched your taste, and that amounts to going to look for natural water to quench your taste.

I am trying to be precise on what water can work in your body if you lay down your ears and heed to what am putting down here. I bet you you, Your body would come back to function like a baby again. You will discover that you are whole and healthy, and some of the drugs you were taking, thinking that you are helping yourself will stop. You will stop taking those drugs because within you, you must observe you are very healthy. A lot of drugs we take today to maintain our health are not necessary, it is out of ignorance of what nature requires of our body that cause us to take things that our body does not need at a particular time, only to migrate our body system to what it is not suppose to suffer,

Think of when your car or your house requires washing thoroughly with water but as a result of may be laziness or not knowing what to do at that point in time, you decide to just mop an clean it only with cloth. The result you will get from cleaning it can never be the same as when you wash it thoroughly with water. Therefore, taking alcohol, beer or other beverages can never quench your taste when your body needs real water.  That is what it is like when you take alcohol, beer and beverages in place of drinking water to quench the real taste of water your body needs.

I am not saying that one should not take alcohol, beer or beverages but should be taken in small quantity and moderately than being addicted or using it to quench your taste of water. Obviously every of those other substances have in one way or another a way of helping human lives but they are not too good to human health, Therefore, their intake should be to the barest minimal especially to adults that are over 40 years of age, because their body is beginning to diminish in growth. These are simple natural reasoning that should be understood without cracking your brain.

Water is a very powerful tool to maintain our health from the beginning of creation. And remember that about 70% of the liquid content in human body is made up water, like wise about 70% of the earth is made up water and very natural but we tend to abide with what sweetens our tastes and raise our brain to feel we are high emotionally not knowing that we are killing ourselves gradually, even deforming our body functions gradually.

Sincerely, i will come up with how water therapy helps our reproductive system especially in men and the possible quantity to boost your system to help eradicate infertility.

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

Water Therapy Technique, Not Just Drinking Water.

Water Therapy Technique, Not Just Drinking Water. To achieve the best result in water therapy is not just drinking water for drinking sake. 

Water Therapy Technique 
There is basically the best approach to things that work. Every natural means of eradicating or curing diseases and sicknesses is not a matter of ordinary consumption of the possible item to be used but the ideal formula to make sure you get the best result. What i mean here is that there is a particular quantity of the product, material or item to be taken at a particular time to mobilize the human body system for best, easy and quick result without much stress or spending money.

Who says that the natural means of prevention and cure of diseases are not in existence, especially the use of water to prevent and cure diseases. Do you know that ordinary normal intake of water every morning when you wake is a powerful tool and system to prevent diseases or even cure for diseases. This time around, is not just ordinary theory but practical. You need not wait for my instruction to start taking a glass of water, first thing in the morning when you wake up from your sleep, i hope you will come back to tell me how helpful it is to you.

Water is life indeed, even without a specified water therapy, If ever you think it wise to begin today to put into practice of all you are learning from this blog on water, am sure you will have cause to smile over your freedom from certain diseases.
With the use of water, you can stop the intake of alcohol and other injurious substances that may be capable to endanger your health, it is a matter of placing a bottled water in your front any time you have the urge to take alcohol or beverages that have a very high sugar content.

All these techniques are matter of principle. Principle in the sense that you alone can make this technique work by agreeing with your inner self by saying that this is what i want to do with my life, body and soul. Decide today that anytime you feel tasty of alcohol, what you will take in place of that is a bottle of water, also when you feel like taking a high sugar content of beverage, that what you will take is a bottle of water. You can make yourself well and better in your health by the application of water therapy.

Water therapy technique is diverse in application to achieve the best result. Obviously you owe it as duty to yourself to apply the above specified system of water therapy technique to help your health to thrive. I bet you that if you take it as a point of duty to always give it a priority to be conscious of the quantity of water you take in a day and the particular time to take it, you would beat you your chest to say that that you should have known all the technique earlier for best health security.

Application of water therapy begins it's job with prevention of diseases to the curing of diseases. Note that the application of water therapy does not stop you from going to the hospital to see a medical doctor or a specialist doctor when the need arises. Some diseases are not compliant to water therapy, therefore a medical expert is required in such cases for a better medical handling.

I hope you enjoyed this post? Take out some time to share it. Checkout if we missed anything at this stage, you are entitled to make addition by commenting below. Also subscribe to our blog to receive it whenever is published.

Water Therapy Existence From Generation To Generation.

Water Therapy Existence From Generation To Generation. I still maintain that water therapy has been in existence from generation to generation. 

Clean water
Those who have a simple and good sense of reasoning know that anything that is dirty without the application of modern sciences can be washed clean in water to restore it's neatness. 
Water as means of washing dirty things or items clean, can as well be applied in human body to make it clean and whole again, it is a simple application of common sense for those who want to know.
It does not matter how rich or poor you are, if you are exposed to the tactical and secret ways to make good use of water therapy as a way to cure diseases in your body, there is no doubt that you have the best means of disease cure without involving your body with certain chemical elements that may possibly cause harm to your body system as a result of the chemical content or over dose or long term use of such drugs in pursuit of eradicating some sickness in your body.

Obviously is not every disease that can be taken care of by water therapy. There are certain diseases that are in no way easy to be taken care of by water therapy. This write up is not in anyway discouraging people from accessing a professional medical assistance from a qualified medical doctor or visiting a hospital to seek a better medical advice when they feel necessary or in a worst case.

Water therapy begins with the prevention of diseases by flushing out toxins and impurities that could cause diseases to survive in the human body system. Remember that every dirty environment attracts diseases and epidemics, so it is in any human body that has a lot of toxins and impurities, diseases are likely to survive in such body. Put the body in the place of a clean or dirty environment, how you feel about clean and neat environment is not how you feel about a dirty environment. Neat and clean environment is welcoming to the eyes and as well healthy living, while dirty environment is an eye sour and attracts some unhealthy things like diseases.

Interestingly, think of the way you you feel after consuming some alcohol and after you consume the same quantity of water, without being told, you are more healthy and full of life when you take ordinary water than when you take alcohol. So it is with the body filled with alcohol and a body that is free of alcohol. For your information, it is not only alcohol that deposit toxins in the body, there are so many other substances and foods that deposit toxins in the human or animal body.

Water therapy is the key to purify all these toxins naturally. The more truth remains that taking more water without being advised by anybody, expert or somebody who have had the experience of what water therapy is capable of doing in your body system to purify and flush it off toxins, you as an individual should be able to detect by yourself the power of drinking more water. Clearly and undoubtedly, you are more healthier than ever.

Hope you enjoyed this post? Please take some few time to share it. Did i miss any point at this stage or do you  have anything to add to it. Please comment below to help me improve.
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Monday, 13 February 2017

Water Therapy Definition, Details.

Water Therapy Definition, Details. Water therapy is a system of prevention and treatment of diseases with water, without or with the application of other conventional or traditional means of treatment. 

Water therapy has been known for ages for treatment of diseases to the surprises of human thinking.
Water therapy sounds like a joke without extra scientific additional recommendation and attachment of other drugs, just simple use of water to cure diseases. This is surprising and amazing. It may look simple to so many but not that simple without the techniques i will expose in this blog. Have you ever asked yourself about the possibility of using water to manage and cure diseases, yes you should ask yourself now that about expose the tricks and extend hands to grab the answer without paying a penny.

It is obviously with proofs of testimonies that water therapy cures as many diseases as possible if well applied. Think of using water to wash certain dirty environments or dirty things, the possible result you may achieve will worth making you believe water is capable of doing in human body, even in other animals if also well applied.

You can imagine using water to wash dirty cloths, take your birth, wash you domestic items, generally washing anything that is dirty with water, even without the application of soap and detergents yields a positive results, it not fast, it will be slow, but take note that no matter how slow or fast it might be, water must have an impact on the cleaning.

Starting from your mouth, thinking of washing your mouth with water when you wake up in the morning without anything like toothbrush and tooth paste, if can simply tell the truth, i hope you must tell me that that the water you used in washing your mouth in the morning when you woke up actually had an impact and did a nice work in your mouth.

Water therapy can fill your body up and discharge diseases while your continuously apply it for a certain duration of time in a days, weeks and months. If is clearly a practical system of cure without much cost, if not no cost. You obtain water therapy without spending a penny or spending less due the availability of water depending on the source and how healthy the water may be for a better result to avoid importing another disease from bad water.

Without wasting much of my readers time, if you want apply water therapy to help yourself in cleaning toxins in your body system and eliminating a lot of unwanted impurities fro your body. You have to prepare yourself, preparing yourself in the sense  that there are certain restrictions to where you go and what you eat to achieve a better result in water therapy to avoid bringing in more toxins.

If you want a good result from water therapy, during the period of exercising water therapy, you should abstain from alcohol, coffee and some other beverages capable of raising toxins in your body. you should also be ready to restrict yourself to where you can have access to the convenience of urinating and going to toilet if pressed. As you urinate and defecate faeces  from your body, so is all the toxins and diseases are being flushed out.

I recommend to you to take up to 5 to 10 liters or more of water in a day depending on your body weight, When you wake up in the morning, the first thing you take is 1.5 liters of water immediately, Do not drink water immediately after meals, drink water after one hour after each meal, still take the same 1 liter to 1.5 liters of water, do this everyday for about 2 weeks to 3 weeks to 1 month, you must see a positive result to whatever your reason for doing that.

Water therapy also clears yellow armpit and clears your amber colored or any urine color that is not bright. Try out this recommendation of water therapy and come back to tell me your experience. We shall continue next time.

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Teeth Whitening For Healthy White Teeth.

Teeth Whitening For Healthy White Teeth. Human teeth is one of the key areas of human body that need adequate care for healthy living and good life style. 

It is very important that human teeth should be very healthy,  without dedicated cleanliness to the teeth you cannot achieve a healthy white teeth.So many things are involved in making sure that human teeth are kept clean and white.  One question comes here, How many times in a day do you brush up your teeth in a day? It does not matter  what you use in cleaning and brushing your teeth on daily basis, weather with ordinary water or with a tooth paste, the most important thing is the freshness of your teeth in your mouth and that will make it self appealing to you as the owner of the teeth before considering how appealing it is to your closest neighbor.

What is important at this stage is the cleanliness of your teeth to onlookers, neighbors and to the public. Do you really know that what you eat also determines how clean your teeth is likely to appear. Yes is not a mystery that some of the food and drink we consume is the factor to the staining of our teeth to brown, black and all sorts of unwanted color.

Some of the food, drinks and beverages like chocolate, coffee and guinness stout etc contribute to the worst case of our teeth coloring without any permission from us, instead what we need is immediate washing and brushing of our teeth without waste of time after consuming such products. Obviously, these foods and drinks contain natural or artificial colorant used in the manufacture or production of such food and drinks.
I bet you most times, the nearest solution to prevent the stains caused by all these food, drinks and many beverages is immediate washing, brushing and cleaning our teeth just after consumption of certain food and drinks.

Think of one natural  thing that has been used from generation to generation till this day, that thing is natural chewing stick from edible wood. Have you ever asked yourself what our fore fathers have been using to wash, clean and brush their teeth, it is the same natural chewing stick with water and ashes. Are you surprise about the use of ashes from the fire to clean human teeth, once the ashes is from any burnt wood, it is harmless, provided you don't swallow it into your stomach, it will do a surprising job on your teeth, as long your teeth is not already stained like tobacco teeth.

One thing you should experiment is using ashes to wash the back of  a cooking pot used on open fire made from the wood. Mix the ashes with water and rob it on the back of the charcoal back of the cooking pot and leave it for some time, after which you use water to wash it out, waooo, there and then will you see the power of ashes in washing out charcoal pot.

However, these days because of modernization, is not advisable to use ashes to wash human teeth anymore. There are so many ways to maintain and keep our teeth clean these days to prevent staining our teeth with food and drinks.

Are you also aware that even red wine stains our teeth and make it to go out of white color, some fruits and vegetables do the same thing, but the best ways to prevent such stain is immediate washing of our mouth and teeth after each meal, or the very first aid if you cannot lay hands on your tooth brush and paste is rinsing your mouth and teeth with clean pure water pending when you can get hold of your tooth brush and tooth paste.
The bone of contention here now is how to wash out stained brown, black, green or any other colored type of teeth to come back to white again. Make your comment here and subscribe to this blog as that will cost you a little time and a very small amount of money without visiting any dentist for one day.
I package your material and instruction on how to get yourself out of such shit at the comfort of your home without stress.