
Food That Kills-Acidic Foods Kill

Food That Kills - Acidic Foods Kills

Human blood obviously is alkaline in nature. To maintain a high level of alkalinity in it, we need up to 80% alkaline foods in human body and 20% acid forming foods. Some of our foods leave alkaline residues in the body after undergoing the full cycle of digestive and metabolic processes, some others leave acidic residues. We may call such foods alkali-genic and acid-genic respectively.
Generally the acid produced by the metabolic activities, such as uric acid, lactic acid etc, reacts with alkalis in the blood, lymph, bile etc, thus being neutralized. But if our diet is flooded with acid-genic foods, the body can't cope with all the resulting acids and the symptoms of fatigue, headache, anorexia, insomnia, nervous tension, hyper-acidity, coryza etc, begin to manifest.

Clearly there are other important side effects in the body due to increased acidity of the blood. The body uses sodium as a buffer to help an acidic pH back to normal for maintenance of homeostatis in the body, whereby the sodium becomes depleted. When sodium can no longer adequately buffer accumulated acid, the body uses calcium as a second buffer. This calcium is leached from the bones and the teeth, if our diet doesn't contain enough of it. This result in weakening of bones and bones becomes porous and brittle. This problem in medical terms is known as osteoporous disease.  Chronic acidity is an unhealthy condition and causes faster degeneration and ageing in the human body. All the toxic substances in the body are in the form of acids and in other to prevent or counteract the accumulation of acids in the body, we must take foods that are mainly alkaline in nature. Hence, it is important to know the foods that are acid-genic and foods that are alkaline in nature. Foods are classified as acid producing, depending on their final end products in the body after metabolism. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, copper, manganese and potassium present in food contribute to the alkaline effects, while sulphur, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine, carbohydrates and carbonic, lactic, and uric acids present in foods contribute to the acidic effects.

Here are list of acidic foods 
1. Dried peas and beans.
2. Dairy products : Heated and pasteurized milk, cheese, curd and butters.
3. All animal foods : Meat, egg, fish, chicken.
4. All cereals and pulses : Wheat, maize, rice etc. And pulses.
5. All dried nuts and seeds : Peanuts, walnuts, cashew nuts, sesame, sunflower, melon seeds.
6. All processed foods : White bread, biscuits, bakery products, white flour, polished rice, white sugar     etc.
7. Toxic foods : Tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, soft drinks.
8. All fried and spicy foods.
9. All fats and oils.
10. All sugary foods and sweets containing white sugar.

Here are list of alkaline foods 
1. Sprouts of beans, peas, grains and seeds.
2. All fruits, fresh or dried, including citrus fruits.
3. All green, leafy and root vegetables, except peas and beans.

Here are list of partial alkaline foods  
1. Fresh green beans, peas, corn and millet.
2. Soaked nuts and seeds.
3. Fresh nuts, almonds, coconuts and Brasil nuts.
4. Fresh raw milk and curd.

Important notes
1.You can see that almost all cereals, pulses, all types of meat, eggs, fish are acidic in nature while           almost all fruits and vegetables are alkaline in nature.
2. All citrus foods like lemon, oranges etc may appear acidic in nature but their main effects in the           body is alkaline. That is why they are classified as alkaline foods.
3. Legumes, beans being protein food come under the category acidic foods but when converted into       sprouts, they turn more alkaline and less acidic.
4. Obviously it continues to remain a doubt among people if milk is acidic or alkaline in nature. At         this point, it should be noted that fresh raw milk (not boiled) is alkaline in nature while boiled and       heated milk is acidic. Various products derived from milk, e.g cheeses, butter and others are also         acidic in nature.
5. Also among nuts, peanuts are most acid-genic while almonds are least acid-genic. Coconut on the other hand is alkaline in nature. To be continued. Comments are welcomed.