
Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Alkaline Water Neutralizes Acid Wastes In Human Body.

Alkaline Water Neutralizes Acid Wastes in Human Body. Why Should We Drink Ionized Water, Alkaline Water? All Of Us Have Too Much Body Acids.

1. DAILY FOOD POISON. Most times, we wonder why more and more young people, even children get sick with vintage diseases. Polluted environment, harmful habits of nutrition, stressful situations, all of these factors aggravate metabolism and assimilation of nutrients. Purpose of this  is to provide nutrients and energy for the development and growth of the body. the difference between right and wrong food can be recognized by the amount and type of harm it does to our body and it's waste.The higher the quality of food, the smaller the amount of acid wastes and the bigger the amount of mineral, alkaline products that neutralize acids are formed. While choosing food, it is always important to remember that alkaline materials clean the body by neutralizing acid wastes and acid materials create conditions for acidifying of our body and pollution of it with acid wastes. One of the essential safeguards of good health is the balance acids and alkalinity of the body.

2. OUR MODERN FOOD DEFICIENCY. (ALKALINE MINERALS) Our body does it's best to remove acid wastes that are formed during metabolism process with urine, perspiration and breathed out carbondioxide. As you know or should know today that acids are best neutralized by alkalis. It must be noted that the body itself does not produce alkaline materials, it can obtain alkaline materials only food and drinks we consume. Because of this, when consuming drinks and food, it is necessary receive sufficient amount of alkaline minerals, the most important of which are potassium, natrium, calcium and magnesium. Unfortunately in modern nutrition, food that acidifies the body is dormant. It is meat and it's products,products from whit flour, coffee, alcohol, pastured juice, fish and sea products, bread, confectionery, eggs, coca-cola, lemonade and others. List of alkaline products is much shorter, they are: fresh fruits, vegetables, salads, potatoes, non carbonated mineral water and others. Obviously, it is not an easy task to maintain normal balance of acids and alkalis with nutrition only.

3. pH OF THE BLOOD. With the shortage of alkaline materials, acidity of the body increases and alkalinity of the blood reduces. Alkalinity of the blood is defined by pH index and it' allowable range is very narrow: from 7.3 to 7.45pH. Even slight deviation from these values causes heavy health problems and when when acidity reaches pH 6.95, a person looses consciousness and dies. Therefore the body tries to convert these liquid wastes into solid ones and stores them in different places, mostly in the fat layers, there by reducing their acidifying effects.(accumulation of fat and overweight often are the consequences of accumulation of not removed acid wastes) Solid acid wastes are cholesterol, kidney stones, gallstones, sulphates and phosphates.

4. CONSEQUENCES OF BODY ACIDITY. Unfortunately, very often, the body especially above age of 45, becomes incapable of removing all the acid wastes that have been formed. And everything that is not removed stays and and accumulates in different places of the body and therefore acidifies our body. In such places where the body stores acid wastes, the blood circulation disarrays, supply of blood to vitally important organs becomes insufficient, their functioning becomes irregular. Therefore, accumulation of acid wastes is the reason of premature aging and one of the most important causes of degenerative diseases. Alkaline water is a sure way and solution to neutralize the body acidity.

Water Yam, One Of The Foods That Heals You.

Water Yam, One Of The Foods That Heals You. Water yam is a type of food that heals you, scientifically known as Dioscorea Rotundata is one of the family of yams with high value in health which originated in tropical Africa and Asia. 

Water Yam {Pink Colored}
Yam itself is one of the important root and tuber crops in the tropical areas. Some of these yams are cultivated for food and health benefits. Yam itself are grown to serve as food and health purpose. As water yam heals and cures, so other food kills.
There are many species of yam of which one of the species is known as water yam in English. In Igbo land of southeast Nigeria, it is called Ji Mbuna or Ji Abana or Ji Mbana. Other tribes have the their own tribal names for water yam. Water yam is called ewura in Yoruba tribe of southwest Nigeria.It called doya or dunduu in Hausa language of the northern Nigeria.

Water yam is not just called water yam, it's name also originated from it's performance in growth during the peak of the rainy season, also grows well in the rain forest zones of the tropics. To find out the nutritional value and health benefits of water yam, a lot of investigations have been carried out and result showed that water yam contains a lot of dietary fiber, amylase contents and other values. The tested varieties shows that it contains lower dry matter but with high amylase contents. The dietary contents of the varieties were higher than that reported for brown rice, while the two varieties had comparable values to whole wheat flour. The identified varieties with higher amylase and total dietary content could be used for diabetic control and for individuals who are conscious of maintaining a good sugar level due to water yam slowness in absorption rate. Water yam has the potentiality to slow down aging process and boost the immune system. Nutritionists in their findings said that water yam is good for diabetic patients because it contains fiber and a substantial amount of antioxidants and vitamin c that helps to suppress blood sugar.

Water yam no doubt is actually of the family of dioscorea alata specie of yam, tuberous root vegetable. The high fiber content in water yam can be used to manage pile and constipation. Fresh roots of water yam contains good amounts of antioxidants and vitamin C. Vitamin C in water yam plays many roles in immune function, anti-aging, wound healing and bone growth. It also contains small amount of vitamin E and beta-carotene level. This tuber is one of the vegetables that has a lot of minerals, like calcium, copper,potassium, iron and phosphorus. As you have seen the important elements contained in water yam.

Health Benefits are:
1. It is good for diabetic patients.
2. Suppresses blood sugar because of it's fiber content.
3. It helps to lower the cholesterol level
4. water yam reduces blood pressure
5. Water yam balances female hormones, also good for hormonal imbalance and regulation of monthly menstrual cycle in women.
6. Anti-oxidants in water yam reduces damage through free radicals in the body and slows the effect of aging.
7. It improves digestive system, also helps to manage constipation and irritable in the bowels.
8. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce the chances of chronic diseases.

National Cancer Institute journal reports that water yam contains antioxidants that may protect cell from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Free radical damage may lead to cancer.
Also beta-carotene in water yam is good for vision, immunity and general health and body well being. Water yam is also a good source of carbohydrates and vitamin B complex. Water yam due to it's fiber content helps very well to prevent constipation and reduce pain for pile patients for the reason that when it comes to the bowel, it softens the stool because of the fiber content. Nutritionists also advised that people should engage themselves in eating locally organic produced food for a better health.