Alkaline Water Fights High Blood Pressure. The beginning of various diseases. Shortage of necessary alkaline materials in food, particularly calcium, makes the body borrow them from the bones.
Thus the osteoporosis, bone disease begins. Upon excess accumulation of uric acid salts in joints, the arthritis and gout develop. If there is lack of calcium ions that are necessary for neutralization of acids accumulated around around the pancreas, production of insulin disarrays and it can cause development of diabetes.
Now, different medicine regulating acidity of the stomach is very popular. Very often, the reason of this however, is not increased acidity of the stomach, but too high acidity of the body itself. One the reasons of high blood pressure is that the blood thickens in acidic environment and clogs the capillaries.Acid waste accumulates in blood vessel too. They can clog capillaries, which supply blood to the brain. this limits the flowing of the blood, suppresses activity of the heart, that causes disorders of the blood circulation and evokes heart diseases, the atherosclerosis develops. Under increased physical load, in stressful situations, the blood pressure can increase radically and push out floating particles of wastes, which can clog a capillary vessel supplying blood to the brain.
The real danger of stroke can rise . By drinking ionized alkaline water, such floating acid wastes are liquefied and made to melt naturally, so that they could be easily removed through the kidney.
Alkalis Neutralizes Acid
Nobody doubts the proposition that alkalis neutralizes acids. When we touch meat, our hands become sticky. To wash fats which are of acidic origin off our hands, using water only is impossible. We need soap. We are used to taking care our external body, but unfortunately, we do not take care of the dirt accumulated inside our body.
Most of us are concerned about pain manifestation itself at different places in our body. The reason of such pain is often the the accumulation of acid wastes in our body on different individual. Thus, the symptoms of diseases show us which part of the body and in what tissues wastes are accumulated. It is important to understand that acid wastes from all food particles, no matter if they are healthy or not healthy, expensive or cheap, their accumulation is the main cause of adult degenerative diseases.
Therefore, it shouldn't be surprising that after reduction of acid wastes accumulations in the body, our health improves. Alkaline water is a perfect solution for effective performance of this task.
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